Monthly Archives: November 2009

Intramural’s are for fun, so why am I not having any?

Maybe I’m just getting old, but playing games isn’t as fun as it used to be. Okay, so I’m not that old, but I do have bad knees and Senioritis, so I think that should count for something.

Intramurals used to be something I looked forward to, but not anymore. I have played intramural football and basketball every year that I have been at Vanguard, and the experience has only gotten worse. Trash talk is fine, but there is no excuse for lowering a shoulder on the football (baseball) field, or making a hard foul on the court just because your feelings got hurt.

During freshman year I do not remember fighting once. Then again my teams were terrible and other teams were too busy laughing to fight. That was the last time these games were any fun.

We can all list off at least five people we do not want to play against, but not because they are good and we can’t possibly win, but because they take the game way to seriously. I won’t say any names, but I’m sure, whether or not you play intramurals, you know who those guys are.

Sophomore year is when it all started to go down hill. Juniors and seniors then were significantly bigger than myself, and one particular basketball game remains clear in my mind. Again, no names, but this guy was over 6 feet and 225 pounds. I was not. He wanted to fight me just because I called traveling on him before he went up for a dunk. After all was said and done, I was the one who got kicked out of the game for “instigating.” That low level of maturity is hard to find in five-year-olds, but it is just down right sad to see in college students.

In these few months of my senior year, I have played in six intramural football games, and already had to break up three fights. I’m on the other end of my freshman year now, not just age wise, but because my team is finally good, and apparently other teams don’t like that. Personal fouls, obscene comments, pushing and shoving will not gain your team more points.

Also, a quick word to the fans: we greatly appreciate the love and support that you show us by cheering for us every week, but if something happens out on the field, and you’re not out there, stay out of it. It is not your place to hold anyone back or lecture players about “Christian expectations and standards.”

I’m not going to tell you I’ve never wanted to fight someone.The big guy my sophomore year was one challenge I was ready and willing to accept. I figured getting the snot beat out of me was worth it if I could get in one or two good punches first. He didn’t show up, and for that, I was thankful.

What it all comes down to is recognition. Recognize that this isn’t T-Ball anymore, and not everyone is a winner. Recognize that even though this is a competition, the champions don’t even get t-shirts anymore, so it’s not worth fighting over. Most importantly though, recognize that causing physical pain or injury will not make your ego feel any better.


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