Tag Archives: History

History is happening right now, are you watching?

This is my editorial for the first issue of the Vanguard Voice coming out tomorrow. What do you think?


Sitting at a red light alone in your car gets you thinking about a lot of things in life, especially as a senior. Things like if you’ll make chapels this semester, whether or not to go to Yogurtland tonight, or remembering what homework was due in the class you skipped earlier that day. However, during my most recent red light reflection, I was thinking about this article. Originally I was going to start off my year with some solid USC bashing, a favorite pastime of mine, however, after what happened in Seattle I couldn’t imagine anything I now topping the feeling in all USC fans guts. Then it hit me, “Where did the last four years of my life go?”

My Frontline group seems so fresh in my mind, I can still name the majority of them and my leaders. I also remember meeting my roommate, RA, neighbors, and most importantly, my sister floor, for the first time. However, a lot has changed since then, some bad, most good, but different nonetheless, which got me wondering, “What have I forgotten about sports in the past four years?”

I forgot how clean and humble baseball once was. Nowadays the majority of baseball talk stems from whomever was most recently leaked from the infamous steroids list. Anybody aside from Albert Puljos that smashes 35 homers in a single season, “has to be on the juice!”

I forgot how unpredictable college anything is. Two words sum that up: Fresno State. True, this is a slight homer pick on my part being from that area, but seriously, I laughed when I saw them in the bracket, and you can imagine the egg on my face a few weeks later as the “Under” Dogs lifted the trophy as the lowest seed ever to win the College World Series.

And who can forget college football circa 2007? It started off with measly little Appalachian State beating Michigan in The Big House to kick off the craziest season of all time. From then on, almost every week following there was a brand new Top 5 until LSU claimed the crystal ball as the only two-lose team to win the National Championship.

These are just a few examples of what I witnessed during my time at VU, and have all but forgotten in such a short time. History happens everyday, and it may not always be sports related but it’s still important. How many juniors and seniors reading this can name just half of our women’s National Championship team from two years ago? That was recent but it’s already history!

Some history to watch out for this year is the brand new VU Swim team diving into uncharted waters beginning in October. Keep your eyes, ears, and minds open this year, history will happen right in front of you but chances are you won’t even notice until it’s gone.

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